Mon 27 Jan
Top Quality Service With Pretty Blonde With Tacoma Incall & Extra Low Rates~!~ - 27
(Tacoma Lakewood Spanaway)
SUPER THiCk ▓☆▄ »-♥-» PERFECT ➓ Blk DreamGirl♥(( $PECIALS ALL NIGHT ))♥ Sexy & FREAKY▒ ▓☆█ CALL NOW - 22
(Tacoma, IN/Tacoma near Lakewood OUT/Anywhere)
special time with special prices... new in Port Orchard I'm naughty and priceless!! - 29
(Port Orchard i/c , Surrounding areas o/c, Tacoma)
🎀 Two Hotties ! 💋Ready To Fufill Your Fantasies ! 💋 Come Play 🎀 - 20
(Tacoma, Federal Way Tacoma Kent Seattle)
TACOMA Outcalls Thru The Nite 2 Make U Feel OH SOOO Rite!! ~~ $130 UR Way SPECIAL - 99
(Tacoma, ALL OVER YOU!!!!!)
°• ♥ •°Sweet & Sexy Petie Yet Curvy Eye Candy~Top Quality Entertainment °• ♥ •° - 21
🎀 Two Hotties ! 💋Ready To Fufill Your Fantasies ! 💋 Come Play 🎀 - 20
(Tacoma, Federal Way Tacoma Kent Seattle)
TACOMA Outcalls Thru The Nite 2 Make U Feel OH SOOO Rite!! ~~ $130 UR Way SPECIAL - 99
(Tacoma, ALL OVER YOU!!!!!)
SuNdAy'S Best $60qV $100hH $175 hR SpEčIaĻs 💕I hAvE the fIRe 🔥yOu BrInG tHe W👀D🍌💕2066077314 💕 - 27
(Tacoma, Tacoma IC 2066077314 $60Q $100HH $175HR)
SPECiALS!! ★ Treat*UR*SeLf ★ █ GORGEOUS _&_ TONED _SEXY BRuNeTtE AWAiTS █ 80$hlf★ _NoW_ ★24/7! - 21
(Tacoma, IncaLL* FederaL* Way/ OutcaLL* 2 *U 24/7)
--- STAY HOME & RELAX ..BLONDE HOTTIE ----HELP me with my RENT---- ***SPECIALS Before 9PM *** - 27
(Tacoma, I travel to ANY city ---YOUR PLACE)
★☆SpEcIaLs☆★$50 Quick Visit SpEcIAlS WiT SwEeT HOnEY LOvE☆☆ ♡♥$In/OuT CaLL♥♡ - 23
(Tacoma, outcall (tacoma)/hosting south tacoma)
🍑🍌Your Favorite MIXED BEAUTY is BACK❗️ Exotic 🌴 Sweet🍒 Juicy💦 QV SPECIAL TODAY ONLY 80🍌🍑 - 22
(INCALL, Tacoma)
$100 Hr IN SPECIAL ★ I do it like a P*o*r*n ☆! 36DD BLONDE ☆【American 】★【DREaM GIRL】★ ReAdY NOW! ★ - 26
(Tacoma, IN / OUTS Everywhere! (253) 888 7314)
Sun 12 Jan
~*~80 Special Exotic~ Curvy ~Sexy~ Latina~ Ready to Please~ 253-266-0449~*~ - 28
(Tacoma, Tacoma Area)
OUTCALL $PEC 💦EbOny FiReCrAcKeR 🔥 Dont Miss🔹Let Me Be 👅 Your New Addiction 💋 Supa THICK🍑 I'M BA - 22
(outcall everywhere, Tacoma)
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL ** SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Puyallup Lakewood Fife)
***$$$$ lets get nasty private incall ***$$$$ weekday special$$$$ - 21
(Tacoma, pierce county/parkland- incall)
My Hipz~~> My Lipz~~> MY Titz~~> My Thighz~~> I am the reality of your fantasy!$$80$$ specialz - 28
(Tacoma, Federal Way)
****I'm Hot*** Get Out Of THe Heat***Come see Me**The Elite**** - 49
(With in 30 mles or Anderson Island)
New Booty KayLynn .... Exotic Mixed 100% Real Gorgeous face Nice Booty! INcall Special - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall Surrounding Outcall ...)
♥PeTiEtE* &SiNFuLLy;*SwEeT *♥2*NiTe >uR>*! >TrEaT!*♥ *80$!*NOW!* - 21
(Tacoma, In/Federal Way & Out2You!)
Sat 11 Jan
New Hotty with A BODY -ZOI- GR8 RATE$ - SINGLE &/or DUO - Specials with JADEN - South Tacoma - 26
(Tacoma Incall)
☕LACEY/OLY AREA☕ EarlyBird Gets The Worm Watch Me WIggle While I Make U Squirm!! $80 EarlyBird Special - 99
(Olympia, JBLM Lacey Tumwater Olympia Area)
♥ I CaN MaKe YoUr Toes CuRl.... ♥ 120 $ incall back for a limited time only - 25
(Tacoma, 80 special)
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL ** SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall / Puyallup Lakewood Fife)
In Tacoma NEW PICS.. $80 Special: Beautiful BLONDE SEXY JEANNIE (Knows What You Want) - 40
~ * ~ FuLL-FiGuReD In FiFe * CuRvY GrEEn EyEd GoDDeSS * 38DD's & SiZe 16 JeAnS * HoLiDaY SpeCiALs ~ - 21
(Fife - In/Out)
♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★【military special. 80$ special♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★ - 22
(Tacoma, incalls downtown..puyallup
💎💎🍭🍭 C.U.M taste Anaijia 🎆$80 EARLY BRDin call specials🎆 SEXY Puerto Rican'a💋💋☏ NOW☏ 253-336-1677 - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, fife, federal way/ university pl)
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL ** SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Puyallup Lakewood Fife)
80$peciaL█ █ ▆ ▅ ❤•• ❤• ███ ▆ ▅l▃ ▂ BuSTy PeTiTe BaRBie ▂ ▅ ▆ ███ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤ CALL NOW - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Puyallup Lakewood Fife)
♥PeTiEtE* &SiNFuLLy;*SwEeT *♥2*NiTe >uR>*! >TrEaT!*♥ *80$!*NOW!* - 21
(Tacoma, In/Federal Way & Out2You!)
New PICS. Beautiful Blonde **** SEXY JEANNIE **** $80 Special. (Tacoma Incall) - 40
(Tacoma, Lakewood & surr.areas)
☕LACEY/OLY AREA☕ EarlyBird Gets The Worm Watch Me WIggle While I Make U Squirm!! $80 EarlyBird Special - 99
(Olympia, JBLM Lacey Tumwater Olympia Area)
°*° M // O // S / / T _// W // A // N / / T // E //D _ // Q/ U / A/ I/ L/ I/ T / Y °*° SpeciaLs - 29
PICTURE PERRFECT:) SEXY pic's:) juicy BOOTY 38C TITS $60qv MILITARY DISCOUNTS! 2066077314 tacoma ic - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma 2066077314 ($80 Military Special))
Fri 10 Jan
🍑🍌Your Favorite MIXED BEAUTY is BACK❗️ Exotic 🌴 Sweet🍒 Juicy💦 QV SPECIAL TODAY ONLY 80🍌🍑 - 22
(INCALL, Tacoma)
☆ €XÂC†L¥ ;• WH† ° _U_ Ñ€€Ð ☆ NÂUGHT¥ ☆ †Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ☆ R€ÂП TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
~ThE TiMe Of Ur LiFe & tHeN sUm~ ~80$/HR.sPeCiaL~ ~AvAiL.24-7~ ~fRee MaSsAgE w/sESSiOn~ - 24
(Tacoma, tAcOmA iNcALL)
***$$$$ lets get nasty private incall ***$$$$ weekday special$$$$ - 21
(Tacoma, pierce county/parkland- incall)
°*° M // O // S / / T _// W // A // N / / T // E //D _ // Q/ U / A/ I/ L/ I/ T / Y °*° SpeciaLs - 29
♥♥♥★UnFoRgEtAbLe ★EXOTIC Playmate ★ GORGEOUS Face ★Petite BODY Military Special special - 23
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Fife Incall Outcall To All)
l ☎Me █↙⇩SiMPly Thee Be$T ██▶ Sweet as CaNdy && N@uGHty as CaN Be◀No RuSH {(80/100)} - 23
★KiiNkY HoLiDaY★ *SpECiaLS*NoW ★TiNY *BeAuTiFuL*!! BruNeTtE*DoNt* WaiT★ - 21
(Tacoma, Federal*Way Incall/Outcall 2 u*)
~~°» Imagine It. Were-NR- Beds Bodies HotSoaken With YES! Thinkin Bout" AllThe Things UWanna Do!"°«~ - 23
(Tacoma, Federal Way (My Place, Or Yours?) :))
★ InToXiCaTinG ★PlaYfuLL &PeTieTe;~uP*ALL NiGhT~*SpeCiALs *80$*★ iM*WaiTiNg - 21
(Tacoma, Federal*Way Incall/Outcall 2 u*)
New Booty KayLynn .... Exotic Mixed 100% Real Gorgeous face Nice Booty! INcall Special - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall Surrounding Outcall ...)
♥ I CaN MaKe YoUr Toes CuRl.... ♥ 120 $ incall back for a limited time only - 25
(Tacoma, 80 special)
Busty *Red Hot! Red head! ** Kelli** * In Call Special * lAKEWOOD (253)254-1229 - 34
(lAKEWOOD / sR512 /SO. TAC. WY. EXT.)
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL ** SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall / Puyallup Lakewood Fife)
***$80*** Your * GiRL-NeXT-DOoR * Fantasy -- ♥ -- WELL REViEWED (( Petite BLoNDe )) ***$80 *** - 21
(Tacoma, tacoma * Incall Specials! *)
$80 INCALL ————————— ((( ✰ NEW SMOKIN' HOT PLAYMATE ✰))) ——————— $80 INCALL SPECIAL - 23
(Tacoma, ☆ ★ Incall Only in TACOMA ☆ ★)
New Hotty with A BODY -ZOI- GR8 RATE$ - SINGLE &/or DUO - Specials with JADEN - South Tacoma - 26
(Tacoma Incall)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __ *J A W* __ (D R O P P E R) __ *W I T H* A_ [N A U G H T Y] __ *S I D E* - - 22
Thu 09 Jan
★YumMy* &*SwEeT★ PlaYfuL&PeTieTe; *DaY&NiGHT;*! *NOW*80$hLf* ★ iM*WaiTiNg - 21
(Tacoma, Federal*Way Incall/Outcall 2 u*)
****I'm Hot*** Get Out Of THe Heat***Come see Me**The Elite**** - 49
(With in 30 mles or Anderson Island)
♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★【military special. 80$ special♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★ - 22
(Tacoma, incalls downtown..puyallup
** LAST NIGHT HERE** ♥ *~* `PetiTe` *~* `eXoTiC` *~* `BeAuTy` *~* ♥ *~* ** $8O SPECIAL** - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incalls and Outcalls)
💲Infamous 💲Stacey💲Staccs💲Million💲 Dollar💲 MouthPiece💲Blo-Ur-Mind 💲$80QV Special💲2532312587 - 25
(Available Anywhere (IC in FIFE)253231258, City of Seattle, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma)
In Tacoma $80 Special: Beautiful BLONDE Classey SEXY JEANNIE NEW PICS. (Knows What You Want) - 40
!! ExCiting!! DUO's available~ $pecial$ all Day!! Call Now! $ave $$!!!Monday Madness!! - 24
New PICS. Beautiful Blonde **** SEXY JEANNIE **** $80 Special. (Tacoma Incall) - 40
(Tacoma, Lakewood & surr.areas)
🇧 🇪 🇱 🇱 🇦 💟🇱 🇴 🇻 🇪 • ᴛɴᴀ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴛᴛɪᴇ💥🔥• ẘḯ⊥н ∀ ♭∀ηℊḯη ♭ø∂¥✅• Sexy Brunette Spinner💋• IN&OUT; - 23
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall)
Wed 08 Jan
♡°•○●♡°•○●You've tried all the rest, now treat yourself to Sicilie, THE BEST!♡°•○●♡°•○● - 26
(Auburn, S.E. Auburn)