Mon 27 Jan
**Lexi... Sweet College Beauty ... Outcall Massage ...$80 Spec ....Treat yourself!!** JBLM OK - 18
(Tacoma, JBLM,Tac,Oly,Lacey, YOUR PLACE)
Mon 13 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Fun and Fiesty Tori is ready to relax you!! $120hr special today only!! *New pics!! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall)
Fun and Fiesty Tori is ready to relax you!! $120hr special today only!! *New pics!! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall)
[×❤×] EXPLoRE [×❤×] MY T@LENTS [×❤×] PRoSTATE WELCoME [×❤×] 80 - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall (348th))
Fri 10 Jan
Your Place~Sexy Massage from an Exotic Cutie! Best Deal in town $80 Special~Book now B4 it's gone! - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Olympia, Lacey, Surrounding)
**OUTCALL - Adorable, Exotic, Sexy Body Rub Godess ~ Melt Your stress Away** $80 Special - 19
(Tacoma, YOUR PLACE-I Do NOT Host! Oly, Tac, Etc.)
[×❤×] EXPLoRE [×❤×] MY T@LENTS [×❤×] PRoSTATE WELCoME [×❤×] 100 - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall (348th))
Thu 09 Jan
[×❤×] EXPLoRE [×❤×] MY T@LENTS [×❤×] PRoSTATE WELCoME [×❤×] 100 - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall (348th))
Wed 08 Jan
**OUTCALL - Adorable, Exotic, Sexy Body Rub Godess ~ Melt Your stress Away** $80 Special - 19
(Tacoma, YOUR PLACE-I Do NOT Host! Oly, Tac, Etc.)
Tue 07 Jan
[×❤×] EXPLoRE [×❤×] MY T@LENTS [×❤×] PRoSTATE WELCoME [×❤×] 80 - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall (348th))
Your Place~Sexy Massage from an Exotic Cutie! Best Deal in town $80 Special~Book now B4 it's gone! - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Olympia, Lacey, Surrounding)
Mon 06 Jan
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training - Back in Seattle Tomorrow! (Wed.) - 37
(Seattle, SoDo - 6min. South of Downtown Seattle)
Sun 05 Jan
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training - Back in Seattle Tomorrow! (Wed.) - 37
(Seattle, SoDo - 6min. South of Downtown Seattle)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
**Lexi... Sweet College Beauty ... Outcall Massage ...$80 Spec ....Treat yourself!!** JBLM OK - 18
(Tacoma, JBLM,Tac,Oly,Lacey, YOUR PLACE)
Thu 02 Jan