Tue 07 Jan
*0uTCaLLs 0nLy ×× E X C L U S i V E • C A L i F 0 R N i A B 0 M B S H E L L ×× AvAiLaBLe NoW - 22
(Tacoma, OUTCALLS ONLY! Tacoma & Surrounding)
~°~ $100 OUTCALLS Come Spend Sum Time Wit Bianca 100$ OUTCALLS ~°~ 253-266-0449 ~ - 99
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
Mon 06 Jan
Stunning Petite Beauty Available for IN & OUT calls GENTLEMEN ONLY - 25
(Tacoma, Sea-Tac, Surrounding Areas)
SUNDAY SPECIAL $80° *JUST WHAT YOU NEED*..All Night... (253) 219~6249 AVaILAbLE 24/7...BELLA - 25
(Tacoma, Lakewood, Fife and surrounding areas)
; *¨¨*THick & Curvycome and play!! *¨¨* Call me 206-251-7196 *** SeXy Pocahontas - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma, surrouding areas)
Sexy latina 2 hour special NEW NUMBER - 23
(City of Seattle, Olympia, out calls only surrounding areas, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, Tukwila)
SpeCial gIfT unNwrApped Just for YOU. THURS SPECIAL!!! - 23
***So sweet petite exotic brunette bombshell *** new in town *** one day only** $100 specials*** - 19
(Tacoma, tacoma and surronding areas)
🙌 Do you need some DISCREET FUN?? 🙌 ☎CALL ME ☎--💣💣💣LAST CHANCE TONIGHT🌃💣💣💣 - 28
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
~ Hey ~ BREMERTON.. Me & Squirrels Like The Same THING... $100 Specials U'll Go N@U@T@S~ 2532660449 - 99
(Tacoma, Bremerton & Surrounding Areas)
**Come TRY Ur Exclusive Chocolate Ice Cream***How Many Swoop?? - 25
♥̡Ӝ̨̄♥ Dont Wait Another Minute Hurry Up And Call Let Me Be Your Heaven On Earth ☆ ♥ ̡Ӝ̨̄♥ - 20 - 20
(Tacoma, tacoma and surrounding areas)
🌟🌟🆕 FACE🌟🌟 Thick&Curvy;🍑😉 one of a kind experience 💋💦 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way &surrounding; areas)
ExX0T!C __B U $ T Y___P L A Y M @ T E ★ $100 M0RN!NG $PEC!aLs___100 $PEC!ALS - 24
(TACOMA ~ !N & 0UT)
Young Sweet & Exotic Playmate! ONLY VISITING TACOMA FOR A SHORT TIME! xoxo - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
💋🎀💕uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR HigHLy ReVieWeD & ReCoMMeNdeD!!💋🎀💕 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
*~*~*~*This redhead can make feel nice and warm on these cold winter days!!!!*~*~*~* - 29
(Tacoma, kitsap and surrounding areas (BREMERTON))
☆ ☆ Sexy Sweet blonde **** 💗 Super HOT 💗 Petite and Flexible!! - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way & surrounding areas)
The Ultimate Mature Woman Experience from a sexy, PASSIONATE 50+ woman - 56
(Tacoma, Fife IN/OUT to all areas incl. airport)
🎀🎀💋💋💋 young**sexy**petite💋💋💋🎀🎀 💦💦 Hot&Ready;💦💦 5 STAR SERVICE !! New In Town !! - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma surrounding areas)
👑LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg LaTe NigHT ULTiMaTe PLeasuRe PRoViDeR👑 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
👄 Sexy Sophia 💋🍒 Incall/Outcalls 💗🍭HABLO ESPANOL! 🔥✔💯 - 28
(Tacoma, seattle/ kent/Renton/surrounding areas)
Snow Bunny Special - it's getting colder outside. Red headed beauty to help warm u up - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas outcall)
SEX¥ PLuS SiZED Pla¥MaTe (💕) Looks Good ⭐️ FEELS✨EVEN 💦 BETTER🚧CAUTION🚧SLiPpeRy WheN 💦💧 - 23
🌟🌟🆕 FACE🌟🌟 Thick&Curvy;🍑😉 one of a kind experience 💋💦 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way &surrounding; areas)
$240 an hour - Nude Modeling - Hiring Women and Men
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima, All Areas)
[◈] "YOUR" ♥[◈] BEAUTIFUL ♥[◈]~×o×~ SEXY Blonde ~×o×~ ♥ [◈] FANTASY ♥ [◈] - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma, and surrounding areas)
TACOMA: VIP Blonde Naughty Freakin Hotty & Critical Bill ( Knows What You Want)
ღ UP ALL NITE ღ Click Here Now ღ OutCalls/InCalls Tacoma Im Yur Gurl✔ - 21
(Tacoma, Seattle, and Sorroung Areas, Kirkland)
~~~~~~~ OUTRAGEOUS $100 SPECIAL!!! ~~ ~~ D_R_E_A_M ** G_I_R_L ~~ ~~ $100 SPECIAL!!! ~~~~~~ - 20
(Tacoma and Surrounding Areas)
~*~~*~* $99 SPECIAL !!!! Super Sexy Latin BOMBSHELL ~ !!!! $99 SPECIAL !!!!! - 23
(Tacoma And Surrounding Areas)
❤️‼️💋Addicting Blonde Playmate Here 4 a Short Time💋💄‼️ - 25
(206👑476👑9988 IN&OUTCALLS; ONLY, Tacoma)
🌟4th🔴OF🔵JULY⚪ SPECIALS!🌟👑Italian Вєαυту💋Petite W/ Booty.🍑 δe∂uctive👅A∂∂ictive💦 ➜ 💯REAL📷 - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Sur. Areas (INCALLS ONLY))
♥▇ ▇♥ AmeRiCaN DrEaM GiRL ♥▇ ▇♥ PetiTe BlUe EyEd BRuNNeTTe ♥▇ ▇♥ GeNtLeMaNs #1 ChOiCe! ♥▇ ▇♥ - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Nearby areas (Incalls/Outcalls))
★ ★ * B-E-A-U T-I-F-U-L * _* B-L-O-N-D-E * _* C-U-R-V-Y *__* S-E-X-Y *_ * W-E-T-T *_ ★ ★ - 25
*-:¦:-*COME TAKE A RIDE ON MY SLIP & SLIDE!!! -:¦:--:¦:- - B3TT3R & S0OOO MUCH 3R*-:¦:-* - 24
(Tacoma, puyallup s. hill)
5🌟TReaTMeNT LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg! $100 INcaLL sPeCiaL - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
▆ ▉ SupeR 🔥▇ 🔥SexY🔥 ▇ 🔥BLONDE 🔥▇ 🔥BOMBSHELL🔥 ▉ 🔥▆ 🔥WItH🔥 CURVES 🔥 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma and all surrounding areas)
Tacoma's Hottest ATF! DEEP & downright NAAAWTY!! - $70 $pecial$ !!! - 34
Super Sweet ★★★ Exotic, Sexy, Armenian Princess ☆☆☆ Classy ♥♥♥ College girl★☆★☆ - 23
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
The Ultimate Mature Woman Experience from SEXY 40's & 50's Women - OUTCALL ONLY - 40
(OUTCALL Tacoma/Federal Way/Seattle, Tacoma)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇ SseXxy AsSs -:¦:-WHITE -:¦:- GiirRrRL!! ▇♥▇50▇♥▇▇♥▇ 80▇♥▇▇♥▇110 ▇♥▇▇♥▇170 - - 27
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
SEATTLE ESCORT Unforgettable ASIAN curvy Playmate ((( Marilyn ))) 36 D NATURAL - 20
(Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle and Surrounding Areas)
((OUTCALL special)) (($80 QV)) (($110 Half Hour))(( $160 FULL HOUR)) ((GFE AVALIBLE RIGHT NOW)) - 23
PETITE Blonde Playmate , 10O % Real Deal, &Drama; Free:) - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
★ Pix» ExOTiC- MixeD * CoKe BoTTLe ★ »GORGEOUS« Face OF a ModeL! - 24
(Tacoma Mall Area★HouseCaLLs)
((HOTTEST BLONDE in the NW!!!)) ***100 HALF*** {{JUICY and TASTY!}} AND Available NOW!
(Tukwila Incall /Outcall 2 All Areas!)
I have some free time and would love to visit an old trusted friend today! - 45
(Tacoma, Puyallup or surrounding areas)
+++++HEy GUys, DO You wanna play some MIND (: GAMES? - 28
(Tacoma, Bremerton and most surrounding areas)
In Tacoma NEW PICS.. $80 Special: Beautiful BLONDE SEXY JEANNIE (Knows What You Want) - 40
INCAll LaTe NigHt SpEcIalS... 253.. 203.. 8964 KeNdRa - 20
(Tacoma, lakewood fife fed way puyallup lacey)