Tue 07 Jan
[-[-SEXY-]- -Freaky- [-IRISH-] - Nasty -] [-BLONDE-] Kinky [-PLAYMATE]-]- 2532082679 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding area's)
★ Cri$$y Ca$h ★ 360-888-3683 ★ Available 24/7 ★ 30 miles South of Tacoma - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma/oly/lacey in call)
★ ★ I am A Very Freaky Girl .. Call me and i'll show u how freaky ★ ★ - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall/ Outcalls Everywhere)
Young WilD & Ready to play 💚 Hottie with Class & 💚 & Eager To PLEASE »--💚» VICTORIA (253)376~0364 - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma. and surrounding areas.in/out)
LaSt NiGhT in ToWn!! SaMmiE LoVe's ((120)) SpEciaL, GeT it WhiLe Im HoTT!! - 24
(Tacoma, Bremerton Incall (120hr))
*$*$* In GooD TaStE, DonT LeT THIS gO To WasTe!! Tiffanys WaT U NEED!! *$*$* - 24
█ —— ♥ ——█ ♥ G_R_E_A_T ♥ B_O_O_T_Y ♥ tacoma chick ~ ON_DUTY !!~~ PARIS~ MARIE* READY4U ♥ ♥ █ - 21
ツ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ HOT ♡ PRETTY ツ█ ▇ ▅ ▃ ▂ GORGEOUS ツ█ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂ LATINA ツ█ ▇ ▅ ▄ ▂ REAl 100‰ ♥ - 28
(Tacoma, South Tacoma)
°°★°°** FREAKY ** (S_E_X_Y ) **PETITE (M_I_X_E_D) °°★°° (D_O_L_L) °°★°° - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall/Outcalls Available)
Mon 06 Jan
♥♛♥YOUR °o♥o° §ATI§FACTION °o♥o° I§ ℳy ♥#1 PRIORITY ♛❤●♥ §eXY §wėęt PlaYMaTe ♥♛♥ - 21
(Olympia, TacOlyFedWayLaceySeaETC, Tacoma)
♡♥♡ after p.t. come play with me, your Puerto rican beauty with the apple bottom booty☆★☆ - 22
(Tacoma, lakewood incall only)
★ Cri$$y Ca$h ★ 360-888-3683 ★ Available 24/7 ★ 30 miles South of Tacoma - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma/oly/lacey in call)
*** ThE SeXiEsT PuErTo RiCaN ArOuNd *** $80 for 30 min /120hr/ In/ Out Calls Available 24-7 - 23
(Tacoma, FeDeRaL WaY/ FiFe/ TaCoMa)
💋👠🌟T◯P👠N◯TCH🌟👠💋BOMbShEll 💣 💋💄👠 PreTTy FaCe💋#1ATF 👠💅 💄💋253|988|1856 HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD - 21
(Olympia, Tacoma)
• SPECIALS••••••• ► •••• ► •••••••• ► •••• ► MIDNIGHT MADNE$$ ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• - 25
DEALS DEALS DEALS ★253-248-5854★★ DEALS & DEALS ★Private IncaLL Federal WaY★100Hr★70HHr★ - 26
(Private Federal Way InCall, Tacoma)
☎☎☎Call Or Text Me NOW!!!☎☎☎ 👅☆👉Juicy👈☆👅💋Don't miss this sexy blonde! 💋FIFE INCALL/ OUTCALL - 22
(City of Seattle, FiFe iNCALL, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma)
♥♛♥YOUR °o♥o° §ATI§FACTION °o♥o° I§ ℳy ♥#1 PRIORITY ♛❤●♥ §eXY §wėęt PlaYMaTe ♥♛♥ - 21
(Olympia, TacOlyFedWayLaceySeaETC, Tacoma)
Sexy FOXXY / BUSTY 40-D/HazelEyes/ OUTCALL All NW-&-INCALL Federal Way ☎️☔️💋 💄🌎💋 - 30
(Bellevue, Bellingham, OUTCALLS All NW & INCALL Federal Way, Seattle, Tacoma)
⇉🆕 Soft Spoken Spinning BeAUtY👉1OO%me or its Free°Buns For Days.@$$Ets - 21
(Puyallup Auburn FedWay Harbor Bremerton, Tacoma)
❤Śup€r N€w! ❤Bҽaųtɩʆųɭ Mɩҳҽɖ Gɩɾɭ❤ Specials!!🔸❤ⓣⓗⓘⓒⓚ✴▪✴ى 🔹ҽ🔹ҳ🔹վ💦🔸💦աҽԵ && ɾҽɑժվ 💦🔸💦 (íղςɑӀӀ օղӀվ) - 25
(15th Yakima / I-5 South/ INCALL 80/100$, Tacoma)
____SpECiaLs!! SpECiaLs! SpECiaLs!! [[ SeXy * SoPHisTiCaTeD * FuN ]] Available Now ···120SpECiaL··· - 22
Early Bird Gets The Worm!!! Stop by for my Early morning SPECIALS here in FIFE! - 22
(City of Seattle, Everett, FIFE INCALL, Seattle, Tacoma)
Who's up and craving some late night delight? Come over to my place, let's have some grown up fun!! - 28
(federal way, Tacoma)
SupeRR SexXY LiL F R E A k k ! Avail*24/7* {J0RDAN} AmAZziNG BODY, BEAUtyy @nD $PeCi@ls ; - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incalls & 0utcalls ! 360-464-0387)
********** ********** ********** ********** T A C O M A'S FINEST ******** ******** ******** ******** - 25
(Tacoma(in/out) & Seattle(out))
Busty 40/D💋***New VIDEO **Sexy FOXXY 🌺💯%✔️OUTCALL All Over NW -INCALL-Federal Way-HazelEyes ☔️💋🌎📱👠💄 - 30
(Bellevue, Bellingham, Issaquah,REDMOND,BELLEVUE, ALL NW, Seattle, Tacoma)
💕60Roses Special💜HISPANIC Freak💦👅SPECIALS TILL 12NOON📱NEW VIDEO📹🙈💕💨out/IN👍i'M tHe bEst🐱 - 20
(Olympia, Tacoma, Tacoma, Fife, Federal Way, Olympia, Lake)
_____ ღ °·*·° ThE PeRfEcT WaY To StArT YoUr DaY °·*·° °·*·° An UnFoRgeTTaBLe TiMe °·*·° ღ _____ - 22
SpIcY PuErTo RiCaN HoTTiE (BrAnD NeW YeAr SpEcIaLs 90$Hr) * *(In/Out 24-7)™ FrEe ShoWeR & MaSsAgE - 24
(Tacoma, KIng & PiErCe CoUnTIez)
😘Specials♥️ IN Call & OuT CallS All surrounding areas 😍‼️‼️ - 18
(Seattle, Sea tac Bellevue all surrounding city's)
((HOTTEST BLONDE in the NW!!!)) ***100 HALF*** {{JUICY and TASTY!}} AND Available NOW!
(Tukwila Incall /Outcall 2 All Areas!)
Early Bird Gets The Worm!!! Stop by for my Early morning SPECIALS here in AUBURN!
____EaRLy MoRNiNg SpECiaLs!! [[ SeXy * SoPHisTiCaTeD * FuN ]] Available Now ···100SpECiaLs··· - 22
★ ★ I am A Very Freaky Girl .. Call me and i'll show u how freaky ★ ★ - 26
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall/ Outcalls Everywhere)
█ [253] ❤ (( 590 ❤ 7022)) █ ▬❤▬ SeXxYY ▬❤▬ AsSsZ ▬❤▬ BroOkLyN ▬❤▬ BaNkS ▬❤▬ █ (75)❤ (110) ❤(165) █❤ - 27
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Lakewood and surrounding areas)
💋Unforgettably Stunning and firey 🔥 redhead ready to play! Discrete B💣mbshell!! - 26
(Bremerton, Tacoma)
Sun 05 Jan
*** SEXY *** unrushed *** ELITE*** brunette ***VIXEN *** - 28
(Tacoma, bremerton and surrounding areas)
*** ThE BaDdEsT PeCaN RiCaN ArOuNd *** $80 for 30 min /120hr/ In/ Out Calls Available 24-7 - 23
(Tacoma, FeDeRaL WaY/ FiFe/ TaCoMa)
💋TACOMA 💋INCALL SpeciaLS! 🔝 N🅾TCH✅ REVIEWED✅ TASTY✅ Beauty✅ T¡ght n Ju¡cy✅ 💦💋Just 4 U💋 - 25
⇉🆕 Soft Spoken Spinning BeAUtY👉1OO%me or its Free°Buns For Days.@$$Ets - 21
(Puyallup Auburn FedWay Harbor Bremerton, Tacoma)
°°★°°** FREAKY ** (S_E_X_Y ) **PETITE (M_I_X_E_D) °°★°° (D_O_L_L) °°★°° - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall/Outcalls Available)
»» ★DING!! =Click Here= ((( BLONDE JACKPOT))) -WHITE GIRL GONE WILD-(.Y.) BigB00Bs (.Y.) - 21
***, GeOrGeOuS,& VeRy StUnNiNg PuErTo RiCaN*** $80 4 30 min /120hr/ In/Out Calls Available 24-7 - 23
(Tacoma, FeDeRaL WaY/ FiFe/ TaCoMa)
:*: :* ChOIcES, CHoICEs, ChOICeS!!! ****** CHooSE BETWeeN 2 HOttIES ::*: :*: AVAILABLE NOW!!!
*** SEXY *** unrushed *** ELITE*** brunette ***VIXEN *** - 28
(Tacoma, bremerton and surrounding areas)
¤💋¤~💕**♨🆕SwEEt & SeXy GiNGER iS back!!🆕♨**💕~¤💋¤ THIS WEEKEND ONLY!❗❗❗ - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma- INCALL ONLY)
▓ »» [ 100% REAL ] »» [ * Gentlemen's Choice * ] »» [ EXOTIC model ] »» SPECiALS! ▓ - 22
✘ℴ💋✘ℴ SEXY BUSTY 36DDD BL0nDE ✘ℴ💋✘ℴ PLaYB0Y BuNNY ✘ℴ💋✘ℴ H0T FaNTASY LiNGiRE ✘ℴ💋✘ℴ - 27
SuPeR BuSty BLoNDE PlaymAte~❤☞CoMe PLaY☜❤W/ a HoT Ju!CY SexY☞N!CE BooTyツ24HR★UR №➊☆PLaYMaTE in FiFE - 22
(FiFE iNCALL/OUTCALL EVERYWHERE, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma, Tukwila)
• SPECIALS••••••• ► •••• ► •••••••• ► •••• ► MIDNIGHT MADNE$$ ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• - 25
⚓SILVERDALE⚓Hicky Dickery Bring Ur 🚢Ship 2 My Dock Shaped Like A 🐓℃⊙CK! ANY Port Special - 32
(Bremerton Silverdale Kitsap County, Tacoma)
S-E-X-Y•★•B-L-O -N-D-E •★• P-L-E- A-S-U-R-E •★• P-R-I-N- C-E-S-S •★•-(253) 777-5126 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma In/out to surrounding areas)
██████████ ◆SMOKIN HOT ██████ ◆LATINA ██████ ◆SPeCiaLa All Nite ██████ ◆1OO% REAL ! ██████████ - 28
(Tacoma, South Tacoma)
☎☎☎Call Or Text Me NOW!!!☎☎☎ 👅☆👉Juicy👈☆👅💋Don't miss this sexy blonde! 💋FIFE INCALL/ OUTCALL - 22
(City of Seattle, FiFe iNCALL, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma)
BIG AZZ & THIGHS____THICK & Curvy GREEN €y€d BLONDE_____ Nice Big BOOBS! INCALL specials :) - 19
(Tacoma, private tacoma incall)
💖 Natalie's Naughty in Seatac or @ Ur Place!!!!..💖Avail..NOW!! 💖 80/QV 120/HHR 200/HR - 27
(Bellingham, Everett, Olympia, Seatac i/c surrounding O/C, Seattle, Tacoma)
Young WilD & Ready to play 💚 Hottie with Class & 💚 & Eager To PLEASE »--💚» VICTORIA - 18
(Tacoma, Tacoma in/out calls)
What do u want me to do to u? Come to my house and let me show you something! - 28
(federal way, Tacoma)
Tacoma Incall 💞SEXY and SWEET 💞 A-1👌Companionship 💞💕💋 Sensuality at its Finest - 21
(Sea Tac, Tacoma, Lacey, Olympia,Lakewood, Fife)